How to cancel avast subscription
How to cancel avast subscription

how to cancel avast subscription

How to apply for Avast Refund RequestĪvast customer service billing is accountable for the accounting of the license payments. Your automatic renewal is canceled, and you will get a confirmation email to this effect. You should get a pop-up screen indicating whether you want to disable the subscription.Confirm by clicking on Find your Order.Use your order number and password to sign in.Visit the Digital River website at this address.The method may work on Digital River Avast, and you can easily opt for it if you have purchased your Avast subscription from Digital River.

how to cancel avast subscription

You should get a confirmation by email almost immediately.Īlso, Read About: What does SB mean on Snapchat? Disable Auto Renewal on Digital River Click on the option Deactivate Auto-renewal Subscription option in the confirmation dialog box that appears on your browser.Locate the option to Cancel Auto Renewal.Make sure you are signed in to the same email on which your license has been taken up.Open to the Licenses section and click on the license that you are purchased to.Open the Avast website on your browser and login into your account.

How to cancel avast subscription